Super Superbowl Part 2

I am enthused when I can
1. Stay up all night
2. Influence kids for Christ and see them get saved
3. Have fun!
When all of these things are combined the result is a SUPERBOWL!! The Thursday before Thanksgiving I got a message from my friend Janelle. Her dad is the Word of Life Missionary for the northern PA region. She told me about how there was a Superbowl going on in southern New York and they were short staffed. I quickly accepted the challenge to help, enlisted the help of some courageous Bible Institute students and prepared... My schedule for that weekend was as follows:
Drive to Binghamton Superbowl-2:30pm-5:30pm
Superbowl Action-5:31pm-2:30am
Required Sleep Time-2:31am-6:30am
Driving Home-6:30am-11am

After work I met some brave BI students Andrew, Austin, Chris and Graham and we journey together to the far away land of Binghamton. At the Superbowl I  was able to talk with kids after the Salvation message and talk over with them the decision they just made. I have done this around a dozen times before over the course of 4 years or so. And for the first time that night I talked with a kid who really was saved! (in the past it was assurance always) It was exciting to see that, I was also able to talk with some kids who were not really sure if they were saved or not. I then helped with the rally again as a Blue Team Leader. Then we went to Binghamton University and hung out with kids until I was dragged away from playing Gaga ball to sleep. It was an exhausting weekend but an excellent time and definitely worth the struggle. If you remember please pray for the kids who are all new believers and support to come in for South Africa. My next newsletter is out and you should be getting one soon, it is also available to read in a previous post.


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