
As I mentioned in my news letter I had the opportunity to meet with John Page who is the missionary that I will be working/living with while in South Africa. He was in the US for the month of October and was able to stop in at my house. While he was over I told him a little about my self and poured questions on him.
I will mostly be doing Bible Clubs in Churches and doing Camp with them. They do clubs in various Churches, visiting some every week and others semi-monthly depending on how solid their club system is. In South Africa there is no "Youth Pastor" and one of the things John Page has been doing is training up youth pastors to focus on the youth of Africa. While theses people are in training, myself and John Cottier (the guy I will be going to South Africa with) will be filling the spot of the youth pastor as well as training the new one. The person who is in training will be living in the same room as me dorm style, so it will be an intense 24 hour ministry.
In South Africa the school system works a bit different than most of the US: they go to school year round with 3 or 4 week breaks every few months. Due to this there is no "camp season" were there is 8 or 10 weeks of summer camp. Instead we will be running 2 weeks of camp at a time 4 or 5 times a year! This is exciting because we will be able to reach kids all year with camp as well as try out a variety of ideas. However it will be difficult to get into the fabled "camp mode" when it is only 2 weeks long.
I also asked him about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro (the highest mountain in Africa) on one of my breaks because for as long as I have loved hiking I have wanted to climb Kilimanjaro. John Page said that it would be very possible for me to do on one of my breaks. He also said that lots of South Africa's enjoy the outdoors and that he had a pastor friend who used to take hiking trips with half Saved/ half Un-Saved, with the purpose of witnessing on the hike. In recent years this spectacular ministry has declined and John Page said that I could possibly look into starting it back up!
                                           Mount Kilimanjaro


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