About South Africa

Thought it would be good to just lay down some basic info about the country I live in which I assume most of you have not visited.

South Africa is about twice the size of Texas. It has a very diverse landscape with huge mountain ranges, grassy plains, nearly jungle conditions, and plenty of beaches. There are two landlocked countries within South Africa's borders. One which is completely encompassed.
Map of South Africa
Unfortunately, it is ranked among the top 10 countries for income inequality and it is obvious to see the huge gap between the rich and the poor.
Hout Bay and Imizamo Yethu, Cape Town
I live just outside Johannesburg which is the largest city in South Africa. It is at a higher elevation than Denver, CO and is known for its mines and as a business hub.
Johannesburg Skyline
Mine in Johannesburg

The specific area is known as Muldersdrift and it has many farms and wedding venues. It can feel very rural and remote although it's just a short drive outside the city.

A few photos of our property which was a former wedding venue

We have 20+ people at any time living on our Word of Life property between the staff and students. Part of my job is jokingly referred to as "Lord of the Property" which just means that I help facilitate church groups when they come for events.
This year's DTC students. Not pictured the many staff members.

Please note I only took one of these photos. Stay tuned for my AMAZING photograph skills in the future. 


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