Whats Happening

Things have been getting into a bit of a routine here in South Africa. School is going on, so the kids are in school and therefore there is no camp right now. But we do not sit around and cry in South Africa when there is no camp. Instead we get other things done! During these past few weeks I have been working in the office of Brad Hawkins -a missionary here for the past 9 years- filling various roles. Currently another missionary Mike VanBruggen and his family are back in the US for furlough so John Cottier and I have been doing some of the things he usually does. I would go into great detail about all the things that I do on a day to day basis but that would be a very long post and no one would actually read it except for my Mom. So here is a nice list to skim through.

1. Call Churches to check up on clubs and things like that
2. Design newsletters/posters/flyers/any thing else made of paper for any upcoming event
3. Be a Olympian club leader on Fridays
4. Be a Teen club leader on Saturdays
5. Word of Life SA is putting on the play "Born Again to a Living Hope" I am going to be a doctor and most likely will help with the creation of the set
6. Do college classes online
7. Plan for upcoming camps (We have a church camp coming up in 2 weeks where Desire and I will be running kids program, we also have a young adults camp coming up)
8. Help the guys who are in Bible college with their homework.

That mostly sums up everything that I can think of that I do. I also have random other things I do here and there. As you can see we have been quite busy with our responsibilities but praise God not once have a felt overwhelmed or incapable to do what I need to do. Please continue to pray that I will grow closer to my Lord every day.

A quick update on support: April I received $1,202 total in support which is full support! About $610 of this came from devoted monthly supporters and the remainder from one time gifts. There is still a need for monthly supporters if you feel inclined to give please go to http://tinyurl.com/KyleParadisSupport or contact me for a slip. The Lord will provide!


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