South Coast (Fake SMASH)

South Africa has a holiday called "Youth Day" and a pastor on the southern coast of South Africa (about 9hrs from my residence) decided to run a camp during this long weekend and needed our help. We happily agreed and had a van of 12 people trekking across the highways towards the south coast.

The challenging part of this trip for me was that we went to a rural area where English is not as widely spoken. Also we were ministering to a area where camp mean many meetings and no games. Whereas camp means to WOL people many games.
Spin your head on the bat relay race
Many in South Africa tell me that flannel is for wearing to bed; not for wearing in public.
Yet when they are cold the are willing to compromise! 

So inorder to not scare anyone away we only played about 2 hours worth of games (plus a soccer tournament), had many meetings, and brought along quite a few Zulu speakers.

The woman in the center insisted that she was my mom. 

We were expecting people aged from 13-25 and we got kids as young as 8 and adults +60
Yes it's true, the Word of Life team did win the soccer tournament
We also had a few hours of fun at the beach and even though it was cold the tough guys still went in


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