The Interlude

One of the best and worst things about being a missionary intern (at least in South Africa) is the waves. Now I am not speaking about literal waves in the ocean but rather the waves of work and ministry.

Some weeks we are literally gone everyday from 6am-3:30pm and have preparations for the next days after that. Other weeks we are on trips and are actually never home because we are teaching screaming children, playing soccer in ankle deep muddy clay, sitting in a van for 9 hours, or swatting mosquitoes that could be carrying malaria

Those are the best times.

Other weeks we sometimes do work in the office, and spend time yearning for something more exciting to do.

Those days/weeks make me want to pull out my eyelashes.

And yet this time is necessary as we rest from the intense trips and take care of the administrative side of things as well as assist in the local church ministries that we have.

We had about a month of this peaceful "rest" before the storm of June and July hit. 


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