
Did you know that hippos are the most deadly African creature? Even more deadly than lions! Also if you use your imagination the country of South Africa looks like a hippo!

See the resemblance? :)

God has blessed me in these past 2 weeks with some time at home contacting folks and an edifying trip to Maine with John Page the director of Word of Life South Africa.

John Page, Bekah Arnold (future missionary to South Africa) and myself enjoying the "super clear" view from Cadillac Mountain.

We were able to visit many of his supporters and supporting churches. We were also able to discuss future plans for when I return to South Africa. Since the schedule is so busy this December I will be returning to South Africa to direct our teen and children's camps!

Please pray for a full schedule of meetings during November and for continued ministry opportunities in the USA!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to pray for you or if you would like to get together and talk!

Kyle Paradis
Your friendly neighborhood missionary


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